Why Choose Forrest Technologies?
At Forrest Tech we recognize that not every company is in the Fortune 500. We tailor practical solutions for you, the small businesses. Just because it works for GM or Amazon, does not mean its right for everyone and we get that.
We celebrate that small business is the backbone of our economy. In the US, 99.9% of businesses are small. 98% have fewer than 100 employees and 89% have fewer than 20 employees, with small business jobs accounting for 46.8% of jobs in the US.
We don't jump on the latest trends or push "bleeding edge" solutions. While it might make us seem a bit 'boring,' our approach is grounded in delivering reliable results using tried-and-true technology.
With decades of combined expertise in both business and computers, our team offers a unique depth and breadth of knowledge that is often beyond the reach of small businesses/
We're not here to do it all, and that's okay. What we do, we do exceptionally well. If there's something outside our wheelhouse, we've got a list of experts we're happy to recommend.